How Many People Can Fit in A Photo Booth?

A corporate photo booth hire offers a way to break the ice and get close to colleagues and
business peers, but how many people have fit into a standard booth?

What makes a corporate photo booth hire such an excellent icebreaker at business events is a mix between the transient and permanent as well as the professional and the personal.

It gives people who typically only see themselves through the gaze of meetings and important business conferences a chance to let their hair down and showcase another side of themselves, one that is often far easier to connect to and relate to.

This is the reason why photo booths are so beloved in general; they are a way to capture a moment in time without the pressure to prepare, rehearse or put on a mask.

However, whilst most of the time, only a couple of people can realistically fit into a standard-sized photo booth, it is interesting to explore just how many people could cram their way into a booth if they tried.

The answer, it turns out, is seven, according to Guinness World Records.

On 4th July 2012, a team of contortionists attempted to squeeze themselves into the booth designed for one or two people and hold their position for at least five seconds.

The team managed to fit seven people into the booth in the end, although it is unlikely that most of them would have made it onto the ensuing picture.

The booth in question was a standard booth at King’s Cross Station in London, of the type typically associated with passport photographs and the quick snaps made between journeys.

Interestingly, the record was set at a somewhat unique time for photo booths, as it was when they were starting to disappear from UK high streets but before they found new life as a must-have event centrepiece for conferences, weddings and parties.

In 2012, right around the rise of Instagram, the concept of physical photography was at a low point, but within just a few years, people realised the value of these immortal memories.

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