A great reason for photo booth hire in Manchester is the city’s notorious weather, as it helps ensure your best pictures will all be taken under cover.
Why Weather Can Play Havoc With Wedding Photos
There are many good reasons to use photo booth hire in Manchester for a wedding, but the weather may certainly be one of the more relevant.
Yes, we all like to kick back against the stereotype that it is ‘grim up north’ and there have certainly been a lot of sunny days in Manchester so far this summer, in what Met Office data suggests could be Britain’s hottest June on record.
Nonetheless, whether you are marrying in the remainder of what most people will hope will continue to be a hot and sunny summer, or later in the year, the fact is you never know what the capricious British climate will deliver. And, let’s be fair, that applies to the rest of the UK as well.
This is why photo booths can offer an alternative to relying on a traditional wedding photographer. In most weddings, the custom is to take lots of pictures outdoors, be it on the closest patch of greenery to the wedding venue, or at a nearby beauty spot. All that, however, can be hampered or even cancelled if the weather is bad.
The beauty of a booth is that it is, by definition, in a place of shelter. You may not get the set-piece photos of large groups of people posing, but you will have lots of images of perfectly dry folk having a great time.
Wedding magazine Hitched once produced an article on ‘how to make rain on your wedding day work’. It contained some great ideas, such as wearing wellies, making sure walkways to the venue are safe and not slippery, and even treating rain as a “good luck” sign.
It did also contain some photography tips, such as an ‘umbrella shot’ and a kiss in the rain (ideally at the very end so you are not wearing wet clothes for hours). But these will be quite limited compared to the array of shots a photographer could take in dry weather.
With a booth, however, the range of photos you can end up with to remember the day by will never be hampered by the weather, however wet or dry it turns out to be.